What is blood sugar

Blood glucose refers to the glucose concentration in the blood and is one of the main energy sources required for the body to maintain normal physiological operation.

Glucose comes from carbohydrates in food, especially starch and sugar.

Insulin is a hormone that helps cells to absorb and use blood sugar to ensure that blood sugar is maintained at an appropriate level.

What is normal blood sugar

There is a standard range of normal blood glucose levels, usually about 70 to 130 mg/dote at an empty stomach.

After two hours of meals, the blood glucose level should be kept within a range of less than 180 mg/degree.

This scope helps maintain the normal function of the body and prevent metabolic diseases such as diabetes.

When should I check blood sugar?

Usually, the following situations may need to check blood glucose:

Diabetes patients: diabetic patients usually need to check blood sugar regularly to ensure that blood glucose levels are within the control range.

High -risk people: High -risk people such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and family diabetes may need to perform regular blood glucose testing.

Specific symptoms: If diabetic symptoms such as drinking, urine, and persistent fatigue occur, blood glucose should be checked in time.

What can I do to control blood glucose levels?

Healthy diet

Choose low GI foods, control carbohydrate intake, and focus on dietary fiber.

Moderate exercise

Regular aerobic exercise can help improve insulin sensitivity.

Weight management

Maintain proper weight and reduce the adverse effects of obesity on blood sugar.

Regular monitoring

Check blood sugar regularly, and adjust the treatment plan according to the doctor's suggestion.

Limit smoking and drinking

quitting and restricting alcohol intake can help maintain overall health.

Understand diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease, which are divided into type 1 and type 2. It affects the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar and may lead to multi -system complications.

Type 1 Diabetes: This is a cells that are responsible for producing insulin in the immune system that attacks islets. Patients usually need to inject insulin to maintain blood sugar balance.

Type 2 Diabetes: This is a disease caused by the body’s resistance to insulin. Cells gradually lose their sensitivity to insulin, leading to rising blood sugar. Type 2 Diabetes is usually related to lifestyle factors and genetic.

Impact of diabetes

Cardiovascular system

High blood sugar can damage the blood vessel wall, leading to arteriosclerosis and thrombosis.


High blood sugar may damage the kidneys and cause diabetic nephropathy. In the end, dialysis or kidney transplantation may be needed.


Diabetes may cause diabetic retinopathy, leading to increased risk of blindness.

Nervous system

Diabetic neuropathy may cause symptoms such as abnormalities, pain, and muscle weakness.

6 best drinks that help reduce blood sugar levels


Drink enough water to help dilute the glucose in the blood and help the kidneys to eliminate excess glucose.

Green tea

Rich in antioxidant substances, which helps improve insulin sensitivity.

Vegetable juice

Choose low -sugar vegetables and squeeze into juice to drink.


Rich in vitamin C, helps to control blood sugar.

Sugar -free straw tea

These tea usually does not contain caffeine, which helps maintain body moisture balance.


Low GI soy milk is rich in protein and fiber, which has a regulating effect on blood sugar.